there are 2 pictures. one is a picture of mona lisa smoking a blunt. this was made as a mockery of her artist. the other is a picture of a monkey mimicking the zoo keeper.
Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after. ANNE MORROW LINDBERGH
Now, please tell me one more time...? why can't the rest of the world get along???
Men and women may become friends, get married or work together but at the same time our communication styles are quiet different, I believe its because our view on the world around us is different We may get into arguments over the issues that isn't even there because we see things differently and put accents on different words or phrases. Listed below are some differences between man and womens way of seeing things and handling communication
WomenSeek out relationships with others
Relate to others as equals
Prefer interdependency, collaboration, coordination and cooperation
Make decisions based on mutual agreement
Desire closeness, togetherness and affinity
Care for the approval of peers
express themselves more in private
Are more open to share problems
Tend to focus on details of emotions
More concerned with feelings
May mix personal and business talk
Tend to ask for help, advice and directions
Offer sympathy
Display empathy
Desire to understand problems
Tend to take a more sober look at challenges
Tend to seek standing and position
Relate to others as rivals
Tend toward independence and autonomy
Choose or resolve by force, persuasion or majority rule
Desires space
Tend to seek the respect of their peers
Express themselves more in public
Keep concerns to themselves
Tend to focus on the details of fact
Often will not ask for advice, help or directions
Freely offer advice and analysis
Are problem solvers
Tend to look at challenges as a game unless life and death is at stake
Extroverts tend to:
Share their energy, excitement, and enthusiasm with almost anyone in the vicinity.
Respond quickly to questions and outward events.
Share personal information easily.
Communicate one to one or in groups with equal ease and enjoyment.
Think out loud, interacting with others, and, in the process, reach their conclusions. In addition they often don’t give others a chance to speak and don’t always attach tremendous meaning to what they say.
Prefer face-to-face, oral communication over written communication.
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. Robert McCloskey
Here are the differences between introverts and extroverts.
In The Introvert Advantage, Dr Laney says that introverts tend to:
Understanding nonverbal communication improves with practice. The first step in practice is to recognize the power of nonverbal communication. I’m sure you’ve had gut feelings that what a person said to you was untrue. Listen to your gut. Along with your life experiences, training, beliefs and all that make up your past, it’s your inner expert on nonverbal communication.
This is very important in our daily life, a slightest misunderstanding could cause conflict.
Visual language is any communication which is primarily visual. It is an emerging field which focuses on improving thinking, learning and communication by making it more visual. Visual language integrates visual elements with words, both spoken and written, to enhance and expand the meaning of all.
This was taken from:
Even if you do learn to speak correct English, whom are you going to speak it to??
From this quote, I do think that human communication is very important. We can learn to speak correct English, but what is the use when there is no one to speak to. I do think that we can live without languages, but we can't live without communication.