Saturday, January 16, 2010

Non verbal communication. EYE CONTACT

Non verbal communication plays a huge role in how people comprehend us-our posture, movements, volume and tone of our voice give people around  more information about us than our words. I am going to post few articles  on non verbal communication, and first of them  is on eye contact.
Eye contact is an important part in non verbal communication. It is often said that you have to listen also with your eyes. It means looking at people in the eye when talking to them. ( )
Some people struggle to make eye contact with others,. Failing to make eye contact suggests to some that you're shy; to others, it indicates rudeness or boredom. Some people have the opposite problem. Making eye contact for a long time can indicate you're very outgoing; to others it indicates aggression and over-confidence.
This skill is especially important when you are at a job interview; the employer will think you're hiding something or are not confident, and most likely they won't hire you. Although this process is as natural as breathing for many people, it's difficult for some.(
when you talking to people try to follow this rules: 
Firs of all relax. 
If you really can not look people in to eyes try this trick-look at person's forehead.
Try to concentrate on what person is saying rather than on eye contact and it will work out naturally .
Try not to stare.

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