1. Lack of Clarity - the communication between parties is missing information or the information is not being communicated in a consistant manner.
all of us different people,and we communicate our thoughts in a different manner, we may use different meanings for the words. sometimes we make assumptions and add meaning to things we heard, all this can result in miscommunication and may lead to the conflict.

if we think that our opinion or our arguments are the only right ones, we may fail to communicate effectively. we get stubborn and do not want to listen to another opinion or another point of view , that contradicts with ours
3. Different Values - the parties are unable to agree because they are holding different sets of values but not articulating those values as part of the discussion.
all of us have different live experience, set of perceptions and values, that may differ with other people's life views, and when they clash conflict occurs .if we fail to understand differences between ourselves and our opponents we are not going to come to any effective resolutions.
4. Past History/Personalities - the parties have a previous unresolved conflict that is negatively affecting their ability to work together.
this reason explains importance of resolving conflicts once we face them, because it may affect our future relationships with the person and negatively affect our work life, love life and friendship.
retrieved from : http://www.agileadvice.com/archives/2005/05/reasons_for_con.html
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